Downloadable Programme, Book of Abstracts, and the online Electronic Programme

The online electronic programme

Programme with titles and authors as a downloadable PDF


From September 15 to 18, 2024, researchers from the University of Ljubljana invite you to Slovenia for the traditional CHE-PON conference. By now, CHE-PON meetings have a venerable history – the present one will be already the 15th consecutive conference on cholinesterases and the 9th on paraoxonases. At the very start of this history, in 1983, the conference was held in Slovenia, and now it is coming back. This time, it will be held at Brdo pri Kranju, a historic castle and conference center beneath the Slovenian Alps, right next to the Ljubljana airport and 40 minutes from Ljubljana’s center.

Once again, the conference will bring together world experts in the field of cholinesterase and paraoxonase structure, function, and medical importance, and give us an opportunity to share our latest research in the field. Food and accommodation, which will take place at the site of the castle, will be on the level you can expect from Slovenia’s main protocol center. Last, apart from the scientific content and on-site socializing, we will also organize an excursion within Slovenia in order to give visitors an opportunity to get to see the hosting country.

More information about deadlines, abstracts and applications will be released soon, so stay tuned to our updates at the website.

Looking forward to seeing you in SLOVEnia!

—The Organizers

Important dates

Deadline Applies to…
31 May30 June 2024 Abstract submission deadline
1 March – 31 May30 June 2024 Early registration
1 June – 10 September 2024 Regular registration
1 September 2024 Deadline for hotel booking
15 – 18 September 2024 On-site registration
15 – 18 September 2024 Conference


The organizers of 15CHE/9PON come from the University of Ljubljana, the largest and oldest university in Slovenia, based in the capital city of Ljubljana. We come from two different faculties, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1919 alongside the University itself; within the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Chemistry (now: Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics) was founded in 1945. The Faculty of Pharmacy was founded in 1994, although the complete university-level study of pharmacy had been possible at the University of Ljubljana since 1960.

Research in cholinesterases at the University of Ljubljana began in the 1950s with the work of Andrej Oton Župančič, after whom the Faculty of Medicine later named its award for outstanding research work. Researchers from Ljubljana have specialized especially in the kinetics of acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterases and in the study and development of inhibitors, and continue to be active in these areas today. Since the early 2000s, we have also expanded into the study of paraoxonases, focusing on their kinetic properties and the role of paraoxonases in different human diseases.

Not only have we been present at all CHE and CHE&PON conferences since the beginning, we have also organized the Second International Meeting on Cholinesterases, which took place at Bled, Slovenia, in 1983. In the interim, we have participated in the organization of several other large conferences from the field of biochemistry, including the 45th FEBS Congress, which was organized in Ljubljana in 2021.


Scientific Committee

Aljoša Bavec, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Marko Goličnik, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Stanislav Gobec, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Jure Stojan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Organising Committee

Janez Smerkolj, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Boštjan Petrič, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Uroš Prešern, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Damjan Knez, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Anže Meden, Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

Advisory Committee

Hermona Soreq, Jerusalem (Israel)

Carlo Cervellati, Ferrara (Italy)

Israel Silman, Rehovot (Israel)

Joel L. Sussman, Rehovot (Israel)

Zrinka Kovarik, Zagreb (Croatia)

Kamil Kuča, Hradec Králové (Czech Republic)

Palmer Taylor, San Diego (USA)

Advisory Committee (cont.)

Eugenio Vilanova-Gisbert, Elche (Spain)

Florian Nachon, Brétigny-sur-Orge (France)

Stanislav Gobec, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Karl W.K. Tsim, Hong Kong (China)

Jure Stojan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


We invite you to present your work as poster, oral, or flash talk presentation.

If you encounter difficulties with the online submission system please contact the organizers by email: .

Abstract submitted for oral or flash talk presentation will be considered by the scientific committee. The outcome of the selection process will be communicated after the abstract submission deadline.

Abstract topics:

  • Structure and dynamics of cholinesterases, paraoxonases and phosphotriesterases
  • Interactions of cholinesterases (AChE and BChE) with substrates, inhibitors and reactivators
  • Post exposure organo phosphates strategies and toxicology
  • Cholinesterase pharmacology, inhibitors and antidotes
  • Paraoxonase, butyrylcholinesterase and phosphotriesterase role in detoxication and biotechnology
  • Paraoxonases: function, diseases and therapeutic aspects
  • Translational research of inhibitors of cholinesterases and paraoxonases
  • Multi-target-directed ligands in Alzheimer’s disease primarily targeting cholinesterases
  • Functions of cholinesterases in different tissues

Guidelines for abstract submission:

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Name(s) of author(s), institution(s), and country of author(s) should be stated clearly.
  • When submitting, please identify both the presenting author and the corresponding author (if different from you as submitting author).
  • Introduction, methodology, results and conclusions must be presented in the body of the abstract.
  • The abstract should be max. 300 words or 3000 characters, whichever is reached sooner, and is plain-text only (may *not* include diagrams or pictures). If you will copy-paste your abstract body from Word or other text processor into the submission form, make sure that clipping (automatic cutoff at 300 words/3000 characters) did not happen, and that your abstract is complete.
  • Please try to refrain from citing literature in the abstract and rather make use of the alotted length to clearly present your work.

Deadline for Abstract Submission is 30 June, 2024.

Abstract submission system is now available via the button below.

Click here to submit (now open!)

Program and Schedule

Program and schedule (program at a glance) are available from the Program page.

Click here for the schedule Click here for the full program

Our plenary speakers

Hermona Soreq

Jerusalem (Israel)
EMBO speaker

Carlo Cervellati

Ferrara (Italy)

Israel Silman

Rehovot (Israel)

Our keynote speakers


The conference will be located in the Brdo pri Kranju conference center. All participants are advised to book accommodation in the Elegans Hotel Brdo which is immediately adjacent to the Brdo Congress Centre where lectures and poster sessions will take place. Alternatively, lodgings are also available in the town of Kranj and nearby.

Brdo pri Kranju is located 15 min by car from the Jože Pučnik Airport Ljubljana which has connections with most major European capitals. If there is sufficient demand, we can help organize shuttle transports from the airport to the conference center. Alternatively, participants can arrive by bus or train either to the Ljubljana bus/train stations (40 min by car from Brdo pri Kranju) or the bus/train stations in Kranj (10 min by car from Brdo). Alternative airports in the region are Klagenfurt (1h 10 min by car), Trieste (1h 40 min by car) and Zagreb (2h by car). If you are arriving on international flights, you can land at Venice Airport and then use a shuttle service to reach Brdo pri Kranju (2h 40 min by car). Several shuttle companies offer transport from major airports/bus/train stations in the region to desired destinations; contact us for more information.

Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. We recommend that reservations are done as early as possible since rooms are not held exclusively for meeting attendees.

Reservation link for the recommended hotel

Rates and reservation codes

Price is per room per night with breakfast included.
Single room 120 € 2 € / person CHEPON375236
Double room (single use) 120 € 2 € / person CHEPON332581
Double room 144 € 2 € / person CHEPON910668
Double room (adapted for the disabled – single use) 120 € 2 € / person CHEPON672053
Twin room (single use) 120 € 2 € / person CHEPON431883
Twin room 144 € 2 € / person CHEPON706361
Suite 232 € 2 € / person CHEPON561581
Junior suite 176 € 2 € / person CHEPON241255
Execuitive suite 336 € 2 € / person CHEPON568087
Presidential suite 392 € 2 € / person CHEPON741732


(before June 1st, 2024)
(before September 10th, 2024)
STANDARD* 700 790 830


(for students and retired persons)

430 500 550

Fees are VAT-free.

* Standard registration fee and reduced fee for PhD students include attendance to all lectures and poster sessions, conference materials, refreshments during breaks, lunches,  all social events (welcome dinner, poster sessions get together and conference dinner) and certificate of attendance. Registration fee does not cover accommodation.

** One day registration is is available on-site only and includes attendance to all lectures and poster sessions, conference materials, refreshments during breaks, lunch and and any social events planned for that particular day.

*** Includes attendance to refreshments during breaks, lunches and  all social events (welcome dinner, poster sessions get together and conference dinner). Registration fee does not cover accommodation.

Transfers and other services

Service Price
Arrival to Ljubljana Airport (transfer) 20 EUR
Departure from Ljubljana Airport (transfer) 20 EUR
Gala dinner 0 EUR
Bled half-day trip; 17th September 45 EUR

Registration form

Cancellation policy



University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
